Looking for more leads for your website? Give these five budget-friendly tips a try.

6 min read

If you want to improve your profit margin, then it will be a good idea to focus your attention on leads.

If you get this aspect of your operations just right, you’ll find that you can significantly improve your company profits; because simply put, the more leads you have, the more likely it’ll be that you’ll bring customers onboard.

Of course, there’s more than one way to get more leads. If you had an unlimited budget, then you’d be able to give the job over to a professional company that specialises in small business marketing and just sit back and watch the leads roll in. 

But if you’re like most small businesses, then you probably don’t have an unlimited budget to work with. But did you know that you can get more leads for your website even when you have a tight budget? It’s true! In the exciting world of digital marketing, there are a million different ways to achieve the same end goal. And some of them cost next to nothing. In this blog, we’re going to look at how to get more leads from your website, as well as offer advice on how you can bring in more customers without spending the earth. 

1. Sign up to Google Business Profile

People want -- need -- to know that the business they’re considering working with is legitimate. While faith in online spending has improved a lot in the past couple of years (especially since the beginning of the pandemic), there are still some doubts. As such, it’s important that businesses work on ensuring that they come across as legitimate as possible. Google Business Profile lends itself well to legitimacy. That’s not all that Google can do for you, however. Today, more people than ever before are turning to the search engine giant before they make a purchase. 

Of course, just having a Google Business Profile account won’t change your world. If it’s going to benefit your business, it’ll be important that you optimise the page for lead generation. There are numerous things you can do to help push things in the right direction. 

The first is to make sure that NAP details are completely accurate. NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone Number. If any of those details are not correct, then that’ll be a mark against your business -- you should make it as easy as possible for people to get your key information. It’s also vitally important that you place your business in the right business category since this will affect how and when your company shows up in results. 

Beyond that, it’s all about making sure that you have as many details as possible on your Google Business Profile page. For instance, you could upload photographs or provide information about your delivery/in-person store (if applicable). It’s not possible to have too much information, but it is possible to not have enough. 

2. Request Google reviews from past clients and customers

Reviews are vitally important; there’s just no getting around it. A series of bad reviews can severely impact a company’s growth potential, while a series of positive reviews can help to take a business to the next level. From time to time, you’ll get reviews from people who left one just because they felt like it. 

But in truth, those moments will be rare. Most people are not in the habit of leaving reviews. As such, it’s a good idea to ask people to leave reviews for you. If you’ve got a long line of happy customers, then don’t be afraid to reach out (or have the staff member that interacts with them the most reach out). They’ll likely be very happy to give you a positive review! 

So how do Google Reviews help with lead generation? By building your reputation and credibility, not to mention simply telling the world that someone other than you thinks that you’re doing great work. Studies have shown that people trust reviews almost as much as they trust a recommendation from a friend. If you’ve managed to get reviews from your customers, then as soon as potential customers see your Google Business Profile page, they’ll see that you know how to make people happy! You can also take some of these glowing words and put them as testimonials on your website too.

3. Optimise your website

Google can do a lot for your business, but it can’t do all the work. You’ll also want to optimise your website so that it’s set up for lead generation, too. And, on that front, there’s some good news -- there are plenty of highly effective ways to do this. 

One such method is to add forms to the pages on your website that receive the most traffic. If there’s one blog post, for instance, that steadily receives a lot of views, then you should have an email pop-up or free white paper (with an email address) listed there. They’ll do more for you on those pages than they would on a page that doesn’t receive as many visitors. 

You can also push your company towards more leads by ensuring that your lead generation route is watertight. For example, if people are coming to your website because of a blog that you wrote, then the links contained within that blog and the Call to Action should be relevant to the blog topic. You already know that your visitors are interested in the topic -- it’s up to you to nurture that interest. Depending on the type of company you run, you may want to consider offering your visitors something for free. This is easier if you have a SaaS business, but there are nearly always ways to give your visitors a taste of what you offer. Finally, consider adding a live chat service to your site. It can be the difference between a person staying on your website and them hitting the ‘X’ button.

4. Sign up to online business directories

There are a lot of fraudulent businesses out there. As such, it’s important that you’re working to build your credibility at any and every opportunity. One way to do this is to ensure your company is listed on online business directories. There are plenty to choose from, including from the biggest names in tech -- Facebook, Apple, and Google all have business directories; indeed, that’s what Google Business Profile essentially is. The good thing about business directories is that you don’t have to limit yourself to just one -- you can be on as many as you like (so why not all?). Once you’ve added all your key details, then that’ll be it. They usually only need a little bit of management.  There are some details you should include. For example, you’ll need to ensure that all your contact details are correct. If they’re not, then you’ll receive none of the benefits. A link to your website is essential. If you want to take things a little further, you can upload photos and an ‘about us’ section. These details might not sound like they’d make too much of a difference, but they can -- a person would be much more likely to get in touch with a company that has all these details as opposed to a company that didn’t have those details!

5. Use targeted Social Media advertising 

Social media is your friend, and especially when you’re on a budget. You can get leads without spending a penny, just by using social media correctly. However, if you can set aside some funds -- say, £20 per day -- then you’ll find that it can go a long way. The most effective method will be to use targeted social media advertising. With this, you’ll make sure that the content of your choice will be seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in becoming your customer. Facebook and Instagram make their money through advertising, so you can have faith that they know what they’re doing. Of course, you’ll need to do some of the work, too. They’ll put your content in front of the right people, but you’ll need to make sure that it’s content that’s worth looking at. If you can produce high-end content with a solid call to action, then you can make £20 of investment go a long way. If you’re planning to make this a regular investment, then it’ll be important to monitor how well your adverts are performing. If they’re not receiving much engagement, then there’s probably something wrong with them. Play around and you’ll find an approach that gets results.

To conclude

As we’ve seen, there’s more than one way to get leads for your website. And the best news? None of them cost a great deal of cash -- in fact, most only require that you spend a little bit of time and energy! Get to work on incorporating them into your digital marketing strategy, and it won’t be long before you see an uptick in quality leads.

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The act of faffing around on social media, generic website builders and search engines by small businesses, freelancers and solopreneurs.

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